KUALA LUMPUR: Renowned poet and actor Supyan Abdul Rahman, also known as Pyanhabib, passed away at his home in Hulu Kelang last night. He was 66. His wife shared the news of her husband’s demise on Facebook.
“My husband Pyanhabib that you knew is gone. He has returned to his Creator. Forgive his mistakes and pray for him,” she said.
Saleeh Rahamad , the National Writers Association of Malaysia president told Bernama that he received a call from close friends about Supyan’s death after 9pm.
He said Supyan was scheduled for a poetry performance at the recent Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair 2024, however, he could not attend due to health issues.
“He had not been feeling well since returning from the umrah last year. He was thin, lost his appetite, and his movements were quite limited,” said Saleeh.
Supyan was born on May 27, 1958 in Taiping, Perak and was also known as an actor. He appeared in films like Kembara Seniman Jalanan, Tsu-Feh Sofiah, Tak Kisahlah Beb and Rock Oo.