Religious Schools Row: Is Hadi Awang’s Media Accusation Justified? What Does Kepong MP Say?

Religious Schools Row: Is Hadi Awang's Media Accusation Justified? What Does Kepong MP Say?

PAS leader Abdul Hadi Awang’s accusation against the media about hyping a “handful” of immoral cases in religious schools has drawn criticism from a DAP leader.

Kepong MP Lim Lip Eng questioned whether PAS allowed such crimes to go unreported when the Islamist party was part of the previous administration.

“Hadi’s accusation is unfair as the majority of media outlets in the country only perform their duties as the fourth estate, to serve verified news to the rakyat,” Lim (above) said in a statement.

“Aside from that, revelations of crime can stop more people, especially children, from becoming victims (of crime),” he added.

Hadi Awang’s Accusation Against Media

On Tuesday, Hadi said the media is being used to tarnish the image of Islam by highlighting the weaknesses of believers when they are accused of a crime or immoral act.

“If there are stories about things happening in religious and tahfiz schools involving an ustaz, imam or any religious figures, it gets hyped. It’s like because one buffalo is covered in mud, the entire herd gets the blame.”

“But when those irreligious and lack religious understanding commit evil, it gets covered up and even defended. They serve the devil’s army,” the Marang MP wrote on Facebook.

Lim also questioned whether PAS had attempted to control or discourage the media from reporting the “bitter truth” while the party was part of the federal administration for 33 months.

“Did Hadi or PAS protect and allow such perpetrators, regardless of their religious standing, to carry on with their criminal activities?” he asked.

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