Kim Hee Chul Denies Rumors of Visiting Host Bars with NCT Members

Kim Hee Chul

Known for his direct and honest demeanor, Kim Hee Chul has successfully dealt with a number of scandals whether it is his “gay rumor” or being called “misogynist” during his lengthy career in the entertainment industry.

He recently clears the air with his latest controversy of visiting host bar with NCT member. Here is an overview of how he faced and overcome these obstacles.

Kim Hee Chul as Matchmaker

One rumor is that Kim Hee Chul acts as a ‘matchmaker’ for idol couples. On the web, individuals spread reports that he helped numerous superstar couples or that these couples involved Kim Hee Chul as a safeguard to date. 

As an idol and a big name in the television industry, Kim Hee Chul was careful about these reports. 

Despite the fact that he was continually encircled by controversy, he decided not to address any issue directly for quite a while, trusting the reports would ultimately stop. 

Notwithstanding, the reports simply appeared to go viral, acquiring more attention and generating rumors.

 Kim Hee Chul as “Misogynistic” Controversies 

In 2017, after a long time of managing these misleading cases, Kim Hee Chul finally chose to raise his voice. His reaction was not quite yet a sudden, angry eruption that caught public attention. 

He communicated his disappointment, saying, “After years of this, I’m really pissed off,” showing what those bits of gossip had meant for him. 

Around a similar time, he was likewise blamed for being misogynistic. Individuals brought up certain lyrics in a song he delivered, saying they had anti-women messages.

 Kim Hee Chul directly explained the lyrics, saying, “It’s not about men being bad or women being bad. Bad people are bad. To call me misogynistic is absurd. I respect everyone, regardless of profession, gender, or age. I love all normal women and men in this world,” showing his faith in fairness and regard.

Kim Hee Chul on Gay Rumors  

He additionally tended to spread bits of gossip about his sexual orientation. In a web show with Jang Keun Suk last year, he discussed the “gay rumors” that began around a long time ago, by saying-

“Among my fans, there are men who like men and women who like women. I didn’t think it needed clarification, but now I feel I should.”

Kim Hee Chul Controversy with NCT Member

Recently, another rumor arose about Kim Hee Chul’s confidential life. The gossip guaranteed that he and some NCT members visited host bars in Japan, making fans request clarification.

Kim Hee Chul answered, saying, “I’ve reported this to my company to avoid causing any trouble. To avoid worry or disappointment, let me clarify: I’ve never met or dined out with our company juniors, not even having their contact information,” denies the rumours.

SM Entertainment, his agency, additionally tended to the rumor, expressing, “Baseless and provocative rumours are being recklessly spread and reproduced online. We have confirmed that these are completely untrue and severely damaging to the artist’s reputation, constituting a criminal act.”

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