Zayn Murder Case: Rayyan’s Parents Deny Allegations Of Child Neglect During Court Proceedings

Rayyan’s Parents Deny Allegations Of Child Neglect During Court Proceedings

PETALING JAYA – The 6-year-old autistic boy, Zayn Rayyan Abdul Matiin’s parents, Zaim and Ismanira, were charged with allegations of child neglect under Section 31 of the Child Act 2001. Both individuals, aged 29, pleaded not guilty to the charge in the presence of Judge Syahliza Warnoh.

Zaim Ikhwan Zahari and Ismanira Abdul Manaf have allegations of neglecting Zayn, an autistic child under their custody, to such an extent that it probably resulted in harm or injury to the child.

Deputy public prosecutor Ku Hayati Ku Haron proposed to the court that the court should set bail at RM15,000 for each of the accused individuals. Zaim’s lawyer, Fahmi Abd Moin, requested a minimal bail of RM5,000 for his client.

The Court Set Bail For Each Accused

“Zayn’s death has completely turned Zaim’s life around, I’d say,” says Fahmi, Zaim’s lawyer.

Aligning with Fahmi Abd Moin, Ismanira’s lawyer, Mahmud Jumaat, also agreed with his request and proposed that the court should consider a reduced bail of up to RM5,000 for both Zaim and Ismanira, equating to RM2,500 each. Both lawyers have presented the claim that Zaim and Ismanira are suffering from extreme depression as a result of Zayn’s death.

Ku Hayati defended her suggestions, stating that the appropriate amount of bail was given for the offense.

However, the court decided to. Additionally, the court enforced an extra requirement for the accused individuals to report to the nearby police station on the first day of each month and refrain from interfering with the prosecution’s witnesses.

The Next Procedural Hearing Is On July 26th

Later, Fahmi requested that the court impose a gag order on the general public to prevent any parties from making comments that could influence the case (subjudice). Following the lawyer’s request, the prosecution also urged the court to order both the accused parties not to make any comments regarding the case.

Subsequently, the court granted a gag order for all parties involved in the case. The court has scheduled July 26th for a procedural hearing where the case will be mentioned or briefly discussed.

ALSO READ- Zayn Murder Case: Legal Representatives Gear Up For Closed-Door Proceedings

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