Jemaah Islamiyah: Know all about the terrorist group suspected to be behind Ulu Tiram attack

Jemaah Islamiyah: Know all about the terrorist group suspected to be behind Ulu Tiram attack

ULU TIRAM, Johor, Malaysia: Malaysian police have arrested more than 20 people believed to be members of the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) terrorist group following an attack on Ulu Tiram police station in the outskirts of Johor Bahru on Friday. Two police officers were killed and another injured during the attack on the Ulu Tiram police station at around 2.30am.

Malaysian Police Inspector General Razarudin Husain told media that the suspect, a 21-year-old man armed with a parang, entered the police station. He attacked a police officer near the entrance to the police station and snatched away his pistol.

A shootout then ensued between the suspect and police officers in the police station parking lot, resulting in the death of another police officer, Razarudin added. The suspect was also shot dead. He said police then searched the suspect’s house and found evidence that he was a JI member.

“We have also found that the suspect did his preparations, the bag he was using was padded with zinc and other material so that he could use it as a shield during a firefight with police,” said Mr Razarudin.

“So from what we see, the individual came to the police post to get a gun for his agenda, which we don’t know yet what it is. I have instructed the Special Branch to identify all JI members in Johor to be called up for questioning,” he added.

When asked by reporters about the motive of the attack, Razarudin said: “They are JI members … we suspect that (it is to obtain weapons), but we must investigate further.”

What is Jemaah Islamiyah?

Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) is an Al-Qaeda-linked terrorist group based in Indonesia that killed hundreds of people in several high-profile attacks in Indonesia in the early 2000s. Since then, the group has carried out fewer attacks, but remains committed to its objective to establish an Islamic state in Indonesia and focuses on spreading its ideology through propaganda, educational indoctrination and political activism.

Some JI members have traveled to conflict zones such as Afghanistan, Syria and the southern Philippines to join local terrorist or militant groups, potentially giving JI militant capabilities if the group or elements among its supporters decide to resume terrorist attacks. There are as many as 6,000 supporters of the group.

In October 2002, the US State Department designated Jemaah Islamiyah as a foreign terrorist organization.

Jemaah Islamiyah: Tactics and targets

From 2000 to 2009, JI and factions of its former members carried out several mass casualty attacks in Indonesia, using suicide bombings, VBIED and small arms against Christian churches and foreign interests, including embassies, hotels and entertainment venues. Since then, some JI supporters have participated in militant training or traveled to conflict zones such as Afghanistan, the Philippines and Syria.

Jemaah Islamiyah: Key leaders

Para Wijayanto: Former amir; arrested by Indonesian authorities in 2019 for facilitating foreign fighter travel to Syria.

Riduan bin Isomuddin a.k.a. Hambali: Former operations and military leader; captured in Thailand in 2003.

Abu Bakar Bashir: Cofounder of Jemaah Islamiyah; released from Indonesian prison in 2021

Jemaah Islamiyah: Notable attacks

17 JULY 2009, Jakarta, Indonesia: A JI splinter group conducts suicide bombings inside two hotels, killing seven people.

1 OCTOBER 2005, Bali, Indonesia: A JI splinter group coordinates a triple suicide-bomb attack outside cafes and restaurants, killing 20 people.

9 SEPTEMBER 2004, Jakarta, Indonesia: A JI splinter groups detonates a VBIED outside the Embassy of Australia, killing nine people.

5 AUGUST 2003, Jakarta, Indonesia: JI conducts a VBIED attack outside a hotel lobby, killing 12 people.

12 OCTOBER 2002, Kuta, Bali Island, Indonesia: JI operatives detonate a suicide bomb and a VBIED outside two nightclubs, killing 202 people.

24 DECEMBER 2000, Multiple cities, Indonesia: JI conducts several nearly simultaneous bombings in Jakarta and eight other cities, targeting churches and priests, killing 18 people and injuring about 100.

ALSO READ: Ulu Tiram police station shooting kills two – Suspect linked to Jemaah Islamiyah?

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