93-Year-Old Water Polo Player, Marathon Runner Shares His Long Life Tips


At the age of 93, John Starbrook, a British man known as “The Legend.”He has an amazing running background, He has completed 52 marathons. Even today, his dedication to staying fit is still going strong. He goes to the gym six days a week for a full-body workout.

Starbrook isn’t just a runner, though. He’s actually been a master swimmer for nearly eight decades. He developed his swimming skills while serving in the British Army Medical Corps. To celebrate his 80th birthday, he accomplished an incredibly challenging one-mile swim across the Gulf of Corryvreckan, which is a feat that separates the Scottish islands of Jura and Scarba. Even at 93 years old, he maintains a rigorous routine. He swims three times a week and even stays active with water polo.

How does he stay fit at 93?

Revealing how he keeps fit at 93, Starbrook shared his routine with The Guardian, “I’ve never been a smoker, and I don’t drink much. My diet’s pretty average. I start my day by having porridge in the morning. I make sure to eat a lot of vegetables, and not much-fried food.”

Regular exercise supports cardiovascular health. It helps keep your heart healthy, boosts muscle strength and flexibility and lowers the risk of chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and cognitive decline. 

involve various exercises like aerobic activities, strength training, and balance exercises into our routine to enhance both physical and mental well-being, leading to improved quality of life and even increased lifespan.

What about Starbrook’s eating habits?

He almost takes vegetarian diets because they are typically high in fibre, vitamins, and minerals, which can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Avoiding fried foods can greatly benefit health, as is the case with Starbrook. Fried foods often contain unhealthy fats that contribute to cardiovascular disease, obesity, and other chronic illnesses.

Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption is essential for maintaining good health and a longer life. By staying away from these harmful habits, we can reduce the risk of premature death, and improve overall quality of life. 

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