International Day Of Yoga 2024: Getting Started – Top 10 Tips For Beginners

International Day Of Yoga 2024: Getting Started – Top 10 Tips For Beginners

International Day Of Yoga 2024: International Day of Yoga is celebrated annually on June 21, with an aim to promote the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of practicing it. Yoga is an ancient practice originating in India and includes a series of techniques aimed at integrating mind, body and spirit through postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama) and meditation. As a beginner, it is important to keep a few key tips in mind to ensure a safe and effective practice. Starting with simple poses will help you build a solid foundation and avoid injury. These guidelines will help newcomers safely and effectively harness the transformative potential of yoga. As the world celebrates International Day Of Yoga 2024 on June 21, we share some useful tips to follow when practicing yoga as a beginner.

International Day Of Yoga 2024: Tips For Beginners

Start with basic poses

Starting with simple poses will help prevent injury and build a solid foundation. Before moving on to more complex asanas, focus on mastering simple poses like Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Downward Dog, and Child’s Pose.

Make sure alignment is correct

Proper posture and alignment ensure that postures are safe and effective. Pay attention to your teacher’s alignment instructions or follow detailed guidelines from a trusted source. Use a mirror or ask someone to check your posture.

Listen to your body

To avoid overexertion and injury, you must listen to your body. If a pose is painful or uncomfortable, change it or simply skip it. It is important to differentiate between pain and discomfort.

Practice regularly

Regular practice develops strength, flexibility and consistency. Try to do short daily sessions instead of longer, infrequent ones. Even 15 to 20 minutes a day can be beneficial.

Breathe properly

Proper breathing promotes relaxation and concentration, which is important to ensure a correct yoga practice. Practice deep diaphragmatic breathing (inhale through your nose, fill your stomach, and exhale completely). Try to synchronise your breathing with your movements.

Use props

Props help achieve proper alignment and deepen stretches. Use blocks, straps, and blankets to support your exercises. For example, in Triangle Pose, use a block under your hand if you can’t reach the floor.


Warming up prepares your body for deeper stretches and reduces the risk of injury. Start with gentle warm-up exercises such as neck rolls, shoulder shrugs, and cat-cow stretches to increase blood flow to your muscles.

Cool down

Cooling down is important as it helps the body recover and reduce muscle soreness. Finish your practice with relaxing poses and stretches, followed by Savasana (Corpse Pose) to completely relax.

Ensure adequate hydration

Drink enough water as it keeps muscles and joints lubricated and aids detoxification. Drink water before and after your practice. Avoid drinking too much water right before practicing to avoid discomfort.

Stay positive

A positive attitude improves your overall experience and encourages long-term commitment. Approach your practice with patience and positivity. Be happy with small progress and don’t be too hard on yourself.

Start your journey to a healthier life with the International Day of Yoga 2024.

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