Directed and governed by the five tenets of the Rukun Negara (National Principles), Malaysians can overcome emerging difficulties including racial and cultural mistaken assumptions.
Towards the end, partners especially the Ministry of Unity are focused on efforts to strengthen the unity based on these five principles in the Rukun Negara. Believes in God, Loyalty to the King and the Country, Rule of Law, Good Behaviour and Morality.
To promote these efforts, the ministry is hosting a Debate Competition 2024 from May 4 to May 16, drawing the participation of universities across the country, which held on the web and face-to-face platforms (semi-finals and finals).
The theme is “ Appreciation of Rukun Negara”, The competition is a continuation of the 2023 edition which pulled 128 members from 38 groups who discussed web-based in September of that year.
The group from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia emerged as the champion, overcoming Universiti Teknologi Mara(UiTM) Shah Alam in the finals on September 26.
Don’t just memorise
Prof Datuk Dr Baharudin Puteh from the Faculty of Education, Universiti Islam Melaka, a competition initiated by the government.
He said a healthy discourse on the values and benefits of Rukun Negara would indirectly enhance understanding and appreciation of the diverse cultures among the different races in the country.
According to Prof Datuk Dr Baharudin Puteh, many young Malaysians are only memorising and remembering the Rukun Negara by heart but seldom translate the values into their social lives, hence, causing the racial gap to widen.
The competition has also received good feedback from participants who are proficient in spoken Malay, including those in the special category for non-Malays, signalling that there are still many Malaysians who love the language and are ready to see such enthusiasm for language learning.